Snowdon Mountain Railway

All systems go with Snowdon Mountain Railway’s PPC.

Prolific North Agency Awards Prolific North Agency Awards Prolific North Agency Marketing Awards Prolific North Agency Awards Prolific North Agency Awards Prolific North Agency Awards


Heritage Great Britain


Travel & Tourism


Paid Search
Digital Marketing


After taking visitors to the summit of Snowdon for more than 120 years, you’d assume everyone must have heard of Snowdon Mountain Railway by now. But despite being very active on social media, the brand’s online presence was lacking. With a new-look brand and website live, we set the wheels in motion on a results-driven PPC campaign to take Snowdon Mountain Railway’s ticket sales up a gear.

Our first task was to take this knowledge and undertake comprehensive keyword research.

As a longstanding client of ours, we knew Snowdon Mountain Railway’s target audience pretty well, consisting mostly of families with young children, elderly people not able to hike up the mountain, tourists and travellers visiting North Wales. As such, the customer demographic encompasses people of nearly all ages. Our first task was to take this knowledge and undertake comprehensive keyword research.

With our strategy nailed down, we developed a series of ads that were tailored to each audience group.

Following our research, we identified and developed five core audience groups: Family Day Trippers, Tourist Sight Seers, Adventure Seekers, Nature Enthusiasts and History & Heritage Lovers. Our plan to engage these target audiences consisted of five separate Google Ad campaigns targeting each audience group individually, as well as display campaigns to drive brand awareness and remarket to non-converting website visitors with personalised incentives such as discounts and exclusive offers.

As far as results go, it’s safe to say performance has far exceeded the client’s initial objectives.

With our PPC strategy nailed down, we developed a series of ads that were tailored to each audience group, for example, highlighting the range of child-friendly activities and amenities on offer for families and focusing on the unique bucket list opportunity of reaching the summit of Snowdon for tourists and travellers. Our display ads accompanied compelling messaging with captivating images of the mountain, the stunning panoramic views and the railway journey to make them memorable. 

By combining a strong knowledge of the audience with carefully crafted copy and creative, we were able to target the right people with the right message at the right time to get them excited about and engaged with the Snowdon Mountain Railway experience. Not only that, it’s made a huge difference to the attraction’s bottom line. In 2023 alone, our campaign delivered nearly £1 million in revenue, a return of £61 for every £1 spent. As far as results go, it’s safe to say performance has far exceeded the client’s initial objectives.

Looking for an agency to grow your brand? We were born ready.